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Butmir   Obre II    Okolište    Maps


Outline of the settlement irregular oval, measuring 185m in length and is an 155m in its greatest breadth. Its superficial area is 19,170m2 (about 5 acres), and its average height 2m above the surrounding plain. Of this area 1356m2 have been excavated.
A section from above downwards shows the following separate beds :
(1.) A superficial humus. 30 to 40cm in depth, similar to the ordinary clayey soil on the surrounding cultivated fields.
(2.) A dark bed of charcoal, ashes, clay, mould, &c., containing pottery, stone implements, and other industrial remains, uniformly distributed throughout the entire mass (Die zahlreichen Thon- und Steinartcfacte sind in der Culturschichte ihrer ganzen Holie nach vertheilt). Its depth varies from 110 to 140cm , but at the margin it thins off.
(3.) Underneath this lies a deposit of reddish-brown clay of a fine adhesive quality, having a thickness of 90 to 110cm- There was no clear line of demarcation between it and the relic-bed, as bits of charcoal, and, according to Mr Radimsky, portions of burnt clay, were sometimes found embedded in its upper part (zuweilen auch einzelne StiicJcchen gebrannten Lehmes). Otherwise this clay is a homogeneous compact mass, which must have been deposited prior to the occupancy of the locality.
The excavations were conducted by a body of workmen who first removed the upper layer of soil, and then threw the contents of the relic-bed a few yards behind them, where they were subjected to further inspection.
The exact position of the more important finds was carefully noted on a plan. At an early stage of the excavations certain troughshaped hollows were encountered in the underlying clay which every one acknowledged to have been the work of man, and consequently attracted much attention, as they must have been made before the relic-bearing debris commenced to accumulate above them. The sides of these hollows sloped at an angle of 45, and the centres were lower than the margins.


Butmir house reconstruction, Festa M.

The depth varied from 40 to 80cm.They were all filled with stuff similar to that in the relic-bed, and it had been frequently remarked that the relics were most numerous within their boundaries. During the progress of the excavations carried on in 1893, twelve such hollows were met with, all of which have been carefully measured and marked on the plan.A short description of a few of them will suffice to give an idea of the kind of evidence they supply.
No. 1 round, diameter 2.5m depth 40 cm
contained stone implements (six knives, one broken spear-point, one half-finished arrow-head, and seven scrapers), some fragments of pottery, and three portions of bone. At the east side and lying on the clay flooring was a roundish fireplace, 50 cm in diameter, consisting of a layer of ashes interspersed with pieces of charcoal.
No. 2 oval, diameters 4.5m and 3.2m ,depth 80cm contained fragments of pottery, flint flakes, and an arrow-head of jasper.
No. 4 irregularly shaped, sides 5.5m and depth 50 cm.
Projecting from the south side was an attached portion 150 by 70cm, and 26 cm in depth. In this hollow was found lying on the clay the figure of red terracotta. Among the other objects from this area are some flint implements,two sharpening stones, a hemispherical polisher, a round red-clay weight, some pottery, and the trunk portion of a second rude human figure.
No. 8 oval, diameters 1.8m and 2.6m
, depth 60 cm Had two roundish projections, depth 34cm , and contained a number of worked objects.
No. 10 irregularly shaped ; greatest diameter 8m, and depth 35cm.Contained a quantity of the usual relics, including five unfinished stone implements along with a chipping-stone lying together.
No. 11 roundish form, distinguished above all others for its size, being 9m in average diameter.The floor was uneven, being 60cm in depth at its east and only 35cm at its west side. It had two projection (Ausbuchtungen) on its northwest side (the two far-off hollows seen in the frontispiece).The dark female figure , was found within this area, first the head lying on the clay, and subsequently, about one yard in horizontal distance, the body portion turned up in the stuff some 20 cm above the clay. Among other objects found here were a reddish clay figure , and the hand of a black male figure , both lying on the clay-bed ; also the body portion of another black figure, some 10 cm above the clay flooring .Besides these figurines were found a clay model of a perforated stone hammer, four mealing stones,some nuclei, and a quantity of other relics.Mr Radimsky describe various details in regard to the settlement, at various levels higher up in the relic-bed, remains of huts of a more recent date, consisting of horizontal beds of clay, sometimes burnt and sometimes unburnt, together with fragments of the clay plaster with which their wooden walls had been covered, and which, having been burnt in the course of a conflagration, retained the forms of the wood used in their construction. Such remains were observed particularly at three places marked g, k, and v on the plan. At the point g there was a layer of burnt clay 6 m long, 5m broad, and 25cm thick, along with a quantity of clay wall-castings. It lay on the top of the relicbed, the highest point being only 30 cm below the surface of the grass-field.East of this, but somewhat deeper in the relic-bed, at the point marked k, there was another layer of burnt clay, together with an aggregation of similar wall - castings, measuring 4.2 m in length, 3.2 m in breadth, and 20 cm in thickness, which reached halfway down the relic -bed. Here also a quantity of relics was collected viz., 12 knives, an arrow-head, 3 scrapers, 2 unfinished chisels, 2 polishers, some nuclei and chips ; also fragments of pottery, 1 1 red - clay weights (one star-shaped), and 6 fragments of bone.
The third place where such remains were exposed was in the upper half of the relic-bed.
Part of this burnt flooring lay under a roadway, and so the whole of it could not be uncovered, but so far as this was done it measured 7.3m in length and 5m in breadth.A peculiarity of this flooring was that its thickness varied very much, reaching in some parts to 46 cm. Besides the usual relics, there is to be noted here a bed of ashes and charcoal, 10 cm thick and 70 cm in diameter, from among which some carbonised grains of corn were picked up.It would appear that all these huts had been destroyed by fire, and their consequently preserved wallcastings
showed impressions of round timbers, both slender and stout, of which Mr Kadimsky gives numerous figures. In addition to these structural details and relics, Mr Radimsky marks on the plan some points outside the supposed hut areas where important relics were found (Fig.1). At the point a, 80 cm under the surface of the field, the workmen came upon sixty -five perforated clay weights of reddish colour arranged in two circular rows. They are round and nearly of uniform size, their diameters being within 5.5 and 6 cm , and their height within 3 and 4 cm.One only, which lay in the middle, was exceptionally large,measuring 9.5 cm in diameter and 4.5 cm in height.At b, e, and f, grains of charred corn were picked up from among some charcoal at depths varying from 110 to 170cm .At d two clay figurines lay close to each other at a depth of 180 cm and at h, near the hut remains marked k, at a depth of 50 cm were found the ornamented weight and other twenty-seven smaller ones of red clay, probably the weights belonging to a net.

Butmir plastic arts (The National museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina )


The objects made of clay consist of small human figurines or idols, one quadrupedal form, dishes whole or broken, weights, spindle-whorls, &c. The human figures (three whole and eighteen fragments) are all rudely made, with the exception of one a damaged head of a reddish colour, 6cm high which shows decided traces of artistic skill (Plate I. ,No. 1). Another of black ware represents the head and shoulders of a carefully - dressed woman (No. 2). It stands 11.5 cm in height and 7.7 cm in breadth, but it is sadly disfigured, the nose and lips being broken off. One of the unbroken figurines (No. 10) shows the human form in a very rudimentary stage, but yet it is made to carry round the, neck some kind of massive ornament. It measures 8.7 cm in height, 4.2 cm in breadth, and in thickness.One object (No. 9) roughly representing a four-footed animal, was found 20 cm above the floor of the hollow u. Its length is 9.2cm , and height 5.7cm.All the clay figures, with the exception of two, the positions of which were undetermined, were picked up in the lower half of the relic-bed, many actually lying on the surface of the clay.Large quantities of broken pottery were found scattered throughout the whole of the relic-bed. They are all hand -made, and often imperfectly burnt. The coarser kind of dishes had thick walls, and simply projections or perforated knobs as handles. A finer quality is of a dark-brown or black colour, and has a polished surface. Other fragments, also of a fine quality of paste, have a reddish colour, but on fracture they show a dark grain. Only seventeen vessels are whole, or could be restored, and they are all small indeed so much so that Mr Radimsky describes them as toys. Of these, twelve are black and five red, a proportion which generally holds good for the entire collection. Perforated clay weights, generally of a reddish colour and varying in form and size, are numerous, and among them are a few unperforated balls 6 to 7cm in diameter. The ornamentation on the pottery consists of impressions made by a stamp on the soft clay, or more frequently of a combination of incised lines, straight or curved, producing geometrical spaces of the greatest variety.


No description can give a better idea of the stone objects found at Butmir than the following summary
statement drawn up by Mr Radimsky of their number and classification as implements :
Knife-flakes 988
Small flakes mostly of flint 145
Saws 45
Flakes showing secondary work 70
Scrapers 355
Borers, awls 120
Lance- and spear-heads 54
Tanged arrow-points 302
Untanged arrow-points 87
Arrow- and spear-heads with notches 21
Flakes of broken polished implements 106
Polished axes (used) 173
Polished chisels (used) 92
Portions of axes and chisels 783
Portions of axes (readapted for use) 199
Different implements (unfinished) 621
Perforated hammers (whole 2) 27
Chipping tools (Schlagsteine) 206
Chipping tools made of broken implements 21
Whetstones (315), polishers, &c. (51) 366
Stone slabs 367
The information conveyed by the above summary may be supplemented by the following facts :
1. The material out of which the majority of the arrow-points are made is jasper, next in order being flint,
quartz, and clay-slate.2. The largest knife -blade is 16cm long and 2cm- broad ; the smallest is 3cmlong and 5 mm broad.
3. The knives and so-called saws show a fine glistening polish along the cutting-edge.
4. No semilunar saws like those so typical of the Scandinavian archaeological area have been found at Butmir, though several show a curved cutting-edge.
5. None of the polished stone implements or weapons are of flint.
6. No deer-horn fastenings for stone implements, such as those so abundantly found in the lake-dwellings of Switzerland, have been found at Butmir, although the
red - deer is not altogether unrepresented among its animal remains.
7. Only two entire perforated stone hammers have been found among twenty-five broken ones, and not a single core has hitherto been discovered. It would appear, therefore, that the inhabitants did not manufacture their perforated stone implements.
8. On dividing the seventeen different kinds of rock used in the manufacture of these objects into two groups viz., (1) such as are to be found in the vicinity of Butmir, and (2) such as are to be found only at a distance, but yet on Bosnian soil, Eaclimsky
finds that, with the exception of the twenty- seven perforated hammers, two globular bruisers of Gabbro and a portion of a polished ring also of Gabbro, the whole of the worked implements, tools, &c., come
under the first group ; also that no unfinished specimen has been classified in the second. Hence, it is argued that the Butmirians manufactured all the objects
coming under the former category and imported those belonging to the latter.





No human bones have as yet been found at Butmir.The bones of a few domestic and wild animals were, however, met with in tolerable abundance throughout the relic-bed. In some places they appeared in heaps,
but generally so much decayed that only the merest fragments could be preserved. Only short bones were found whole, the long ones being always broken. The following is the list of animals identified :
Bos taurus, L. Thirty-nine bones and teeth, including portion of an under jaw.
Bos brachyeeros, L. Eleven bones.
Bos primigenius, L. Seven bones.
Sue palustris, But. An upper jaw with teeth.
Caprecolus Caprea , Gray. A fragment.
Capra or Ovis, L. Lower jaw with teeth.
Cervus Elaphus, L. Two horn fragments.


The following is the result of an elaborate report by Professor Dr C. Schrotter of Zurich on the organic remains submitted to him :Wheat (Triticum, cf. compactum and monococcum, L.), Barley (Hordeum vulgar?, L.)


Lentil (Ervum Lens, L.,var.microspermum).
Brome-grass (Bromus, cf. secalinus, L.)
Knot-grass (Polygonum aviculare, L.)
Crab-apple (Pyrus Mains, L.)
Hazel-nut (Corylus Avellana, L.)
Silver fir (Abies pectinata, D.C.)

Robert Munro, Rambles and Studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Dalmatia with an account of the proceedings of the congress of archaeologists and anthropologists held at Sarajevo,August 1894 (Blackwood, Edinburgh, 1895)